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24 Dec 2016

Health Benefits of Sunshine

We are used to hearing about the health risks linked to sun exposure, however ancient cultures have long harnessed the power of the sun to heal the body and boost health. Now scientific research is showing us that heliosis, or sun therapy, really does have many health benefits and should be a part of our daily lives.

We have been conditioned by aggressive sunscreen adverts and cancer alarmists to fear the sun and to either stay out of the sun all day, or cover up with sunscreen and clothing whenever we spend more than a few minutes outside. The truth is that a certain amount of daily sun exposure, without protection, is necessary for good health and long term wellness.

One of the most well known health benefits of sunlight is its ability to produce vitamin D in the body. This is an important vitamin that boosts bone health, strengths teeth, supports immunity, slows brain aging and prevents dementia, and it has anti-cancer properties.

A lack of sunlight leads to vitamin D deficiency and possibly diabetes, cancer, poor immunity, depression, brittle bones and many other health issues. Unfortunately sunscreen, while important during long periods in the sun, stops the sun from creating Vitamin D in the body.

Sunlight is also a natural disinfectant; it kills bacteria and fungus and heals wounds and skin disorders like acnes, eczema and psoriasis. Sunlight therapy has been used throughout history to heal and before the advent of antibiotics it was used to successfully treat tuberculosis.

When sunlight touches the skin directly it starts a process where cholesterol in the blood is converted to steroid and sex hormones that we need for optimal health. Without the presence of sunlight this process doesn’t happen and cholesterol can climb to unhealthy levels. Some studies have shown that a condition called atherosclerosis (hardened arteries) was improved when patients had direct sun exposure.

A lack of sunlight can lead to a form of depression called seasonal affective disorder (SAD) which is common in winter, countries with cold climates and people who spend a lot of time indoors surrounded by artificial light. Getting some direct sunlight every day can help to prevent and reduce symptoms of SAD.

Our circadian rhythm is controlled by our exposure to light and darkness. However, in our modern lives we have too little exposure to natural light during the day and too much exposure to artificial light at night. In order to correct this we need to spend more time in sunshine during the day and reduce our exposure to TVs, lights, laptops, phones and kindles at night.

We may think we are getting sunlight by sitting next to a window all day, but the windows block out an important part of the light spectrum that is responsible for the health benefits of sunlight. Ideally you want to get your sun exposure outdoors during the middle of the day for 20-30 minutes without any sunscreen and with minimal clothing if the weather allows.

If you work in an office you can open the window to get exposure to unfiltered sunlight. Of course it is best to build up slowly so your body develops a tolerance and doesn’t burn easily. It’s important to be careful as excess contact with the sun’s ultra-violet rays does indeed cause damage, but in small doses it is essential to good health.
